Herbal Treatment for Healthy Life
Total Views : 1466
Listing Name | : Herbal Treatment for Healthy Life |
Description | : Success in life is a product of discreet planning and goal – setting. Health is no exception. There goes a golden saying, \"Health is Wealth\", but reverse cannot be true. One cannot enjoy the wealth, unless one posses a sound health and it has become Oriens mantra. Urge to create a healthy lifestyle is what drives Oriens, thus showering wellness to the people. Extracting healthy insights from Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani, Oriens bridges the gap between ancient Indian system of medicine and modern sophisticated technologies. Oriens health theory is based on seven chakras of our body. |
Address | : Jyatha |
City | : Kathmandu |
Phone | : 4250396 |
Mobile | : 9803856956 |
: rshrestha77@gmail.com | |
Website | : http://www.oriensworld.com |
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