Listings under Associations & Clubs

Name Address Views
17 & 17 Members Lubhoo-8 1031
Advertising Association of Nepal (AAN) Kupondole 639
Advertising Agencies Association of Nepal (AAAN) Shantinagar 1867
Airlines Operators Association of Nepal Tej Bhawan, Lazimpat 1577
All Nepal Auditors Association Naxal 1411
All Nepal Bhikkhu Association Vishwa Shanti Vihara 1327
All Nepal Football Association Satdobato 1337
All Nepal Peasants' Association (ANPA) Kathmandu 1178
American Club Kantipath 1377
Araniko Yatayat Sewa Samiti Old Buspark 1894
Arniko Society Babarmahal 1388
Arniko Transport Service Committee Charikot 1311
Arniko Transport Service Committee Jiri 1290
Arniko Transport Service Committee Bhaktapur 1435
Arniko Transport Service Committee Bahrabise 1273
Arniko Transport Service Committee Balephi 1194
Arniko Transport Service Committee Banepa 1270
Arniko Transport Service Committee Chautara 1194
Arniko Transport Service Committee Dolalghat 1244
Arniko Transport Service Committee Jalbarahi 1177
Arniko Transport Service Committee Khadichaur 1109
Arniko Transport Service Committee Mude 1200
Arniko Transport Service Committee Palanchowk 1314
Arniko Transport Service Committee Lokanthali 1201
Asian Human Rights and Culture Development Forum Sorhakhutte 1318
ASMAN Bagdol 1459
Association of Nepalese Alumni from Australia Bansbari 1285
Association for Protection of Environment & Culture Biratnagar 1342
Association For Tourism Thamel 1376
Association of British Alumini in Nepal (ABAN) Lainchour 2314
Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Nepal (ACORAB) Kupondole 1294
Association of Computer Engineers Nepal (ACEN) Kamaladi 1189
Association of Dolpa Industry & Commerce Dolpa 1337
Association of Nepalese Rice, Oil & Pulses Industry Teku 1796
Association of Neplease Indigenous Nationalities Journalist (ANIJ) Anamnagar 1252
Association of Pharmaceuticals Producers of Nepal Teku 1287
Association of Political Science Students Gyaneshwor 1101
Association Respect & Dignite Porteurs de l Himalaya Bhagwatibahal 1083
Auditing Standards Board & Accounting Standards Board Babarmahal 1533
Auto Mechanical Association of Nepal Dhunga Adda 1019
Avia Club Nepal Kathmandu 1034
Avia Club Nepal Pokhara 910
Bagmati Petrolium Dealers Association Koteshwor 977
Balaju Industry Development Association Balaju 1116
Balaju Minibus Byawasayi Samitee Balaju 935
Banking Promotion Board Kathmandu 972
Beema Association Chabahil 914
Bhaktapur Association of Cottage & Small Industries Suryavinayak 871
Bhaktapur Jaycees Khauma 892
Bhaktapur Mini Bus Service Committee Bhaktapur 808
Bhaktapur Tourism Development Committee Bhaktapur 929
Bharatiya Gorkha Sainik Niwas Lainchour 1705
Bir Hospital Development Board Bir Hospital 922
Birendra International Swimming Complex Satdobato 977
Birgunj Automobile Association Alakhiya Road 843
Birgunj Jaycees Shreepur 840
Bishal Bazar Traders Association New Road 940
Blood Donors Association Nepal Exhibition Road 836
British Club & Embassy Lainchour 838
Broadcasting Association of Nepal Ravi Bhawan 1632
Buddhist Association Bhaktapur Bhaktapur 782
Buddhist Women's Association, Nepal Bhrikuti Mandap 806
Butwal Udyog Banijya Sangh Butwal 3027
Cardiac Society of Nepal Bansbari 809
Center Takewondo Dojang Tripureshwor 819
Center Woolen Yarn Industries Association Chucchepati 809
Central Carpet Industries Association (CCIA) Lazimpat 753
Central Carpet Manufacturer's Association Nepal Chuchepati 902
Centre For Information Science & Technology New Baneshwor 791
Centre Union of Painters, Plumber, Electro & Construction Worker's-Nepal Putalisadak 829
Chagal Youth Club Chagal 823
Chefs Association of Nepal Ranibari 974
Chemical Association of Nepal Chabahil 804
Chhinnalata Geet Puraskar Guthi Tahachal 755
China Town Shopping Centre Business Association Churchil Complex 804
Chinmaya Pashupati Jhamsikhel 813
Climbers' Club Hadigaun 785
Commercial Artists' Association of Nepal Bagbazar 846
Community Support Association of Nepal (COSAN) Kathmandu 1006
Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) Maitidevi 853
Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) Thapathali 767
Construction Material Dealer's Association New Road 1230
Contractors' Association of Bhaktapur Sallaghari 738
Contractors' Association of Kathmandu Anamnagar 847
Contractors' Association of Lalitpur Satdobato 807
Cotton Development Board Nepalgunj 772
Courier Service Association of Nepal Tripureshwor 795
Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) Panipokhari 760
Dakchinkali Public Tempo Tatha Microbus Byawasai Samittee Balkhu 799
Democratic Confederation of Nepalese Trade Unions Sinamangal 785
Democratic Layers Association (DALA) Anamnagar 715
Democratic National Youth Federation Nepal Babarmahal 795
Developers Engineers Association Nepal Maitighar 809
Development Bankers Association Anamnagar 845
Dharma Yatra Mahasangh Kalimati 944
Dharmodaya Sabha Bhrikutimandap 915
Dhitopatra Board, Nepal Thapathali 1187
Diploma Engineer's Association Nepal (DEAN) Maitighar 1160
District Cooperative Association Samakhushi 1008
District Cooperative Union Bhaktapur 903
Domestic Small Industries Development Association Tripureshwor 949
Editor Society Nepal Kamaladi 748
Education Consultants Association of Nepal (ECAN) Dillibazaar 1206
Education Journalists' Group Anamnagar 751
Electric Vehicle Association of Nepal (EVAN) Anamnagar 766
Enterpreneur-Ship Balkhu 808
Environment NEPAL Anamnagar 785
Environment Protection Council Singha Dubar 833
Everest Summitters Association Tilganga 811
Export Council of Nepal (ECON) Thamel 1057
Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN) Pulchowk 756
Federation of Agriculture Worker's Nepal (FAWN) Putalisadak 735
Federation of Business & Professional Women-Nepal Buddhanagar 750
Federation of Community Forest Users Nepal Baneshwor 807
Federation of Contractors' Association of Nepal Anamnagar 896
Federation of Democratic NGO Nepal Babarmahal 891
Federation of Handicraft Associations of Nepal Upama Marga, Thapathali 1165
Federation of National Journalists, Nepal Airport 754
Federation of Nepal Cottage & Small Industries Banepa 741
Federation of Nepal Cottage & Small Industries Main Road 682
Federation of Nepal Cottage & Small Industries Pokhara 720
Federation of Nepal Cottage and Small Industries (FNCSI) Maitighar 1102
Federation of Nepalese Journalists Airport 772
Federation of Nepalese Transport Enterpreneurs Babarmahal 749
Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) Tilganga 1224
Federation of Small & Medium Enterprises Nepal Bijuli Bazar 1570
Federation of Woman Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal Anamnagar 764
Firefighters Volunteer Association of Nepal Tinkune 874
Floriculture Association of Nepal (FAN) Baluwatar-3 1151
Foreign Employment Association Nepal Basundhara 1354
Forum For Information Technology Management- Nepal New Baneshwor 848
Friend's of Budhanilkantha School Budhanilkantha 818
Friends Club Kupondole 785
Garment Association Nepal New Baneshwor 620
Gas Yatayat Assocation Pulchowk 761
General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) Putalisadak 725
Godavari Alumni Association (GAA) Thamel 1152
Gokarna Golf Club Thali 791
Gorkha Army Ex-Servicemens Organization (GAESO) Pulchowk 880
Guardians Association of Nepal Pulchowk 880
Hayton Education Association Pvt. Ltd. Bhatbhateni 808
Headquarters British Gurkhas Nepal Jawalakhel 770
Hetauda Udyog Banijya Sang Main Road 1226
Himalayan Backpackers' Travel Association Thamel 788
Himalayan Orthodox Tea Producers Association- Nepal Minbhawan 877
Himalayan Orthodox Tea Producers Association-Nepal (HOTPA) Fikkel, Ilam 709
Himalayan Rescue Association Nepal Dhobichaur, Lazimpat 713
Himalayan River Guide Association Nepal (HRGAN) Thamel 913
Himalayan Sherpa Society Chuchepat 761
Himali Democratic Republican Civil Forum Maharajgunj 769
Himshikhar Foundation New Baneshwor 759
Hiranya Varna Mahavihar Sudhar Samittee Kwabahal 936
Hotel Association Nepal Rodcess Chowk 740
Hotel Association of Dharan Deshi Line 793
Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN) Gairidhara 913
Humanist Association of Nepal Kathmandu 853
Independent Garbage Cleaners Union of Nepal (IGCUN) Putalisadak 759
Independent Power Producer's Association, Nepal (IPPAN) Heritage Plaza 869
Independent Press Worker's Union of Nepal (IPWUN) Putalisadak 714
Independent Textile Garment Worker's Union of Nepal (ITGWUN) Putalisadak 770
Independent Transport-Worker's Association of Nepal (ITWAN) Putalisadak 744
Information Technology Society, Nepal Samakhusi 912
International Organization For Migration (IOM) Baluwatar 808
International Porter Protection Group (IPPG) Lazimpat 753
International Recreation Center (International Club) Sanepa 853
Internet Service Providers Association of Nepal (ISPAN) Jawalakhel 847
Jana Jyoti Club Morang 751
Japan University Student Association, Nepal (JUSAN) Kantipath 697
Japanese Language School Association of Nepal (JALSAN) Shankhamul 1087
Jay Janta Training Welfare Council Anamnagar 848
Jhapa Banijya Sangh Bhadrapur 761
JICA Alumni Association of Nepal Kathmandu 845
Johrei Society Nepal Thamel 930
Jorpati Microbus Association Jorpati 1092
Journal of Nepal Medical Association Exhibition Road 994
Jyapu Samaj Balkumari 905
Jyoti Samari Service Association Banasthali 740
Jyotish Anusandhan Parishad Dillibazar 984
Kalimati Fruits and Vegetable Market Development Board Kalimati 1175
Karate Do Association Anamnagar 843
Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Biratnagar 1078
Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Nepalgunj 1011
Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh Pulchowk 807
Kathmandu Association of the Deaf (KAD) Kathmandu 816
Kathmandu Environment Educational Project (KEEP) Thamel 751
Kathmandu Jaycees Khichapokhari 814
Kathmandu Lady Jaycees New Road 926
Kathmandu Mahanagarpalika Karmachari Sangh Thamel 830
Kathmandu Photographer Association Gongabun 819
Kavre Minibus Sewa Sammittee Kavre 814
KB Brother's Penpal Club Itahari 921
Khaptap Ashram Prakashan Samittee Babarmahal 733
Kirat Rai Yayokkha Bansbari 840
Kirateshwar Sangeetashram Pashupati 831
Kirtipur Jaycees Kirtipur 853
Kirtipur Minibus Byawasai Sangh Kuleshwor 756
Lawyers’ Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) Anamnagar 1033
Lazimpat Club Lazimpat 815
Lazimpat Tourism Development Board Lazimpat 4327
Leather Footwear & Goods Manufacturers' Association of Nepal Bagbazar 803
Legal Advisors' Forum Kamaladi 1049
Leo Club of Kathmandu Alliance Kathmandu 736
Leo Club of Sindhuli Sindhuli 768
Leprosy Elimination Association Maharajgunj 797
Lions Club Mohariya Tole 794
Lions Club of Himalayas Patan Kupondole 898
Lions Club of Kathmandu New Baneswor 893
Lumbini Development Trust Babarmahal 738
Madhya Upatyaka Bus Byawasayi Sangh Tinkune 941
Madhyamanchal Ratri Bus Byabasayi Sangh Chabahil 769
Madhyapur Art Council Thimi 816
Maha Sanchar Khusibu 934
Mahendra Police Club Bhrikuti Mandap 883
Manab Adhikar Jana Abhiyan Radio Srota Club Itahari-7 797
Management Association of Nepal Anamnagar 738
Manakamana Area Development Committee Kathmandu 731
Manakamana Area Development Committee Manakamana-3 765
Manka Crafts Association Ravi Bhawan 777
Martin Chautari Thapathali 799
Marwari Sewa Samiti Fasikev 3501
Millitary Officers Women's Association Bhadrakali 962
Mitra Kunja Kamalpokhari 859
Mobile Association of Nepal New Road 2069
Morang Merchants' Association Goshwara Road 781
Mother and Infant Research Activities (MIRA) Thapathali 1684
Mothers Club (Ama Milan Kendra) Kalimati 824
Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) Dillibazar 846
Nagarjun Sahityik Pratishthan Anamnagar 766
Nagarkot-Naldum Tourism Development Committee Nagarkot 758
Namsaling Community Development Center Ilam 763
Narayan Parivar Club Buddhabari 753
Narayani Yatayat Bybasai Sangh Hetauda 1102
Nari Shilpakala Kendra Gularia 937
National Agricultural Research and Development Fund [NARDF] Singh Darbar Plaza 897
National Association for Nepal Petroleum Dealers Koteshwor 908
National Association of PLWHA in Nepal Khusibu 843
National Book Sellers & Publishers Association of Nepal Hattisar 773
National Business Association New Road 776
National Co-operative Development Board Pulchowk 872
National Co-operative Federation of Nepal Bijulibazar 807
National Dalit Committee Baneshwor 877
National Development Co-operative Ltd Gabahal, Lalitpur 719
National Educational Consultancies' Association Putalisadak 802
National Fderation Of Unified Industry & Trade Kathmandu 762
National Industrial Crop Development Program Harihar Bhawan 851
National News Agency (RSS) Singha Durbar 810
National PABSON Putalisadak 1100
National Sports Council Tripureshwor 881
National Tea and Coffee Development Board New Baneshwor 900
National Tourism Foundation Nepal Kamaladi 891
National Union of Journalists, Nepal Kathmandu 879
National Youth Organization Forum Nepal Tinkune 838
Naturopathy Doctor's Association of Nepal (NADAN) Lagankhel 1019
Naya Nepal Yatayat Byawasayi Sangh Kalanki 857
Nepal Aadiwasi Janajati Patrakar Sangh Anamnagar 1155
Nepal Anti Tuberculosis Association Kalimati 953
Nepal Aots Alumni Society Koteshwor 880
Nepal Art Council Babar Mahal 812
Nepal Arya Samaj Baneshwor 885
Nepal Association for the Welfare of The Blind Tripureshwor 826
Nepal Association of Astrology Science Battisputali 1000
Nepal Association of Fine Arts (NAFA) Naxal 797
Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies Lazimpat 894
Nepal Association of Rafting Agents (NARA) Kamaladi 842
Nepal Association of the Blind Dhangadhi 797
Nepal Association of the Blind (NAB) Maharajgunj 879
Nepal Association of Tour Operators (NATO) Kamaladi 1032
Nepal Association of Tours & Travel Agents (NATTA) Naxal 847
Nepal Association of Tours & Travel Agents (NATTA) Lakeside 535
Nepal Auditors Association Babarmahal 1711
Nepal Australia Friendship Society & Society Family Yak & Yeti Plaza 801
Nepal Automechanic Trade Union (NATU) Putalisadak 927
Nepal Automobile Dealers' Association (NADA) Teku 3635
Nepal Ayurved Council Nardevi 1106
Nepal Ayurved Doctors' Association Naradevi 742
Nepal Ayurved Medicine Business Association Putalisadak 815
Nepal Bachat Tatha Rin Kendriya Sahakari Sangh New Baneshwor 1125
Nepal Bank Staff Association Thapathali 952
Nepal Bankers' Association (NBA) Kamaladi 1203
Nepal Bar Association Ramshah Path 965
Nepal Bar Council Ramshah Path 1010
Nepal Basket Ball Association Lazimpat 889
Nepal Beverage & Cigarettee Industries Association Tripureshwor 1004
Nepal Bhasa Women's Association Jamal 832
Nepal Bidhutiya Udpadak Sangh Teku 1009
Nepal Boudha Sewa Kendra Goldhunga 936
Nepal Buddha Dharma Sewa Sangh Swoyambhu 920
Nepal Buddhist Council Lalitpur 940
Nepal Budokai-Do Karate Association Thamel 977
Nepal Business Association Dugambahil 867
Nepal Cable T.V Association Anamnagar 3580
Nepal Central Consumer Co-operative Federation Battisputali 872
Nepal Central Soap Manufacturers Association Thapathali 1050
Nepal Chamber of Biscuit Industries Association Balaju 929
Nepal Chapter, East-West Center Association Gyaneshwor 897
Nepal Chemists & Druggists Association Khusibu 959
Nepal Chemists & Druggists Association Chhetrapati 831
Nepal Chemists & Druggists Association Chorepatan 823
Nepal Chemists & Drugists Association Chhetrapati 1112
Nepal China Executive Council Jawalakhel 1086
Nepal China Trade Association Mahabaudha 785
Nepal Cloth Merchant & Tailoring Association Bagbazar 1286
Nepal Co- operative Business Management & Promotion Committee Bijulibazar 866
Nepal Co-operative Federation of Nepal Bijulibazar 864
Nepal Coffee Producers' Association Babarmahal 1194
Nepal Cotton Towel Exporter Association New Baneshwor 921
Nepal Council of Arbitration (NEPCA) Kupondole 1977
Nepal Cycling Club Thamel 978
Nepal Dairy Association Teku 1350
Nepal Denmark Friendship & Cultural Association Baluwatar 806
Nepal Dental Association Exhibition Road 866
Nepal Educational Support Trust (NEST) Kirtipur 803
Nepal Electrical Association Bhotebahal 934
Nepal Engineering Council Naxal 922
Nepal Engineering Students' Society Pulchowk 860
Nepal Engineers' Association Harihar Bhawan 920
Nepal Environment & Foreign Employment Welfare Association New Baneshwor 859
Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Dhobighat 821
Nepal Federation of Saving & Credit Co-operative New Baneshwor 532
Nepal Feed Industries Association Chabahil 1320
Nepal Film Association Bishalnagar 802
Nepal Film Fight Artist Association Jyatha 921
Nepal Film Producers Association Naxal 906
Nepal Film Worker's Union Sinamangal 775
Nepal Finance Companies Association Jamal 1525
Nepal Flour Mills Association Teku 908
Nepal Foreign Trade Association Teku 1136
Nepal Forest Industry Association Naxal 899
Nepal Forest Product Development Board Babar Mahal 827
Nepal Foresters' Association Babar Mahal 826
Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ) Thapathali 755
Nepal Freight Forwarders Association Naxal 898
Nepal Geological Society Lainchaur 780
Nepal German Friendship Association Sanepa 853
Nepal Gold & Silver Art Association Maitidevi 1330
Nepal Gold & Silver Dealers Association Lalitpur Center 490
Nepal Golf Association Kathmandu 824
Nepal Goods Carrier's Association Kalimati 1241
Nepal Handmade Paper Association Kalimati 875
Nepal Hastakala Mahasangh Thapathali 571
Nepal Hatchery Industries Association Balaju 1477
Nepal Health Economics Association Maharajgunj 837
Nepal Health Professional Council Bansbari 1222
Nepal Health Professional Federation (NHPF) Sinamangal 1005
Nepal Health Research Council Ramshah Path 798
Nepal Heart Foundation Babarmahal 946
Nepal Herbs & Herbal Product Association Tripureshwor 831
Nepal Himalaya Overseas Traders Association Mahaboudha 868
Nepal Himalayan Simapar Banigya Sangh Mahaboudha 1165
Nepal Himalayapar Banijya Sangh Kantipath 867
Nepal Homoeopathic Chikitsak Sangh Biratnagar 836
Nepal Hosiery Producers' Association Lazimpat 836
Nepal Human Rights Organization Anamnagar 866
Nepal Hydropower Association Pulchowk 1036
Nepal Independent Carpet Worker's Union (NICWU) Putalisadak 814
Nepal Independent Chemical Iron Worker's Union (NICIWU) Putalisadak 954
Nepal Independent Food & Beverage Worker's Union (NIFBWU) Putalisadak 894
Nepal Independent Hotel Worker's Union (NISWU) Putalisadak 767
Nepal Independent Worker's Union (NIWU) Putalisadak 760
Nepal India Chemists & Druggists Association (NICDA) Chhetrapati 788
Nepal India Chemists & Drugists Association Chhetrapati 833
Nepal Insurance Association (C/O of Premier Insurance) Tripureshwor 1373
Nepal Internationall Taekwon-Do Federation Tripureshwor 905
Nepal Ireland Chamber of Commerce & Industry New Baneshwor 777
Nepal Jain Council Kamalpokhari 912
Nepal Janajati Mahasangh Lalitpur 2038
Nepal Journalist Association Maitighar 865
Nepal Journalists Association Maitighar 767
Nepal Judo Association Tripureshwor 882
Nepal Jute Mills Association Biratnagar 1116
Nepal Kidney Care Foundation Babarmahal 912
Nepal Land & Housing Developers Association (NLHDA) Sundhara 1415
Nepal Laryngectomee Association Maharajgunj 872
Nepal Leather Industries Association Anamnagar 1070
Nepal Leather Industry & Trade Association Birgunj 800
Nepal Leprosy Disease Prevention Association Maharajgunj 785
Nepal Leprosy Relief Association (NELRA) Maharajgunj 1550
Nepal Leprosy Trust Lagankhel 917
Nepal Medical Association Exhibition Road 863
Nepal Medical Association Biratnagar (Branch) 796
Nepal Medical Association Birgunj (Branch) 776
Nepal Medical Council Bansbari 916
Nepal Medical Education Society Putalisadak 938
Nepal Metal Association of Commerce & Industries Pyukhatole 902
Nepal Meter Taxi Sangh Kuleshwor 904
Nepal Motion Picture Association Bishalnagar 1011
Nepal Mountaineering Foundation (NMF) Bhatbhateni 816
Nepal Mountaineering Instructor Association Gairidhara 797
Nepal Mountainneering Association Nagpokhari 817
Nepal Mudran Udhyog Sangh Balkhu 1033
Nepal National Ex-Servicemens Association Security Service Pulchowk 878
Nepal National Federation of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (NFDH) Dhobidhara 1093
Nepal National Mountain Guide Association Gairidhara 1020
Nepal National Teachers Association Kumaripati 1149
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangha Kathmandu 993
Nepal Nirman Byawasai Mahasangh Anamnagar 2616
Nepal Norway Alumni Association (NNAA) Pulchowk 2111
Nepal Nursing Association Lazimpat 907
Nepal Nursing Council Thamel 1152
Nepal Olympic Committee Satdobato 827
Nepal Orthopaedic Association Exhibition Road 803
Nepal Paints Manufacturers' Association Kamalpokhari 1699
Nepal Paralympic Committee Bhrikutimandap 959
Nepal Paraveterinary & Livestock Association (NEVLA) Tripureshwor 1492
Nepal Pashmina Industries Association Anamnagar 980
Nepal Pashmina Udfhyog Sangh Maitighar 827
Nepal Pashupanchi Aushadhi Byawasahi Sanga Tripureshwor 771
Nepal Pauroti Udyog Sangh Putalisadak 932
Nepal Petroleum Dealers' Association Buddhanagar 1887
Nepal Pharmaceuticals Association Lazimpat 822
Nepal Photo Journalist Association Dallu 1350
Nepal Pilot Association Naxal 2887
Nepal Plastic Manufacturers Association Kupondole 1629
Nepal Plywood Manufactures Association Gyaneshwor 1267
Nepal Press Council Tilganga 914
Nepal Press Institute Babarmahal 804
Nepal Press Union Anamnagar 944
Nepal Printers' Association Balkhu 968
Nepal Pulp & Paper Manufacturers' Association Kalimati 794
Nepal Rafting & Canoeing Association (NRCE) Kathmandu 872
Nepal Rangers Association Babarmahal 1059
Nepal Rastriya Yatayat Bus Byawasayi Sangh Koteshwor 876
Nepal Red Cross Society Red Cross Marg, Kalimati 775
Nepal Rice & Oil Mills Association Kantipath 946
Nepal Rocks & Minerals Association Jamal 938
Nepal Russia Friendship & Cultural Center Birgunj 791
Nepal Sangeet Udhyog Sagha Anamnagar 800
Nepal Sanitaryware Business Association Lagankhel 1140
Nepal Security Professionals Association Kalimati 900
Nepal Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (NESOG) Thapathali 900
Nepal Soft Tennis Association Jhochhen 831
Nepal Stainless Steel Utensils Manufacturers' Association Ganabahal 1873
Nepal Stationery & Educational Material Industries Association Kantipath 1010
Nepal Steel Furniture Industry Association Patan Industrial Estate 1193
Nepal Steel Rolling Mills Association Kamalpokhari 1028
Nepal Street Vendor's Union Putalisadak 850
Nepal Sugar Mills Association Kalimati 1015
Nepal Sunchadi Kala Byawasai Sangh Maitidevi 3418
Nepal Surgeon Association Exhibition Road 1070
Nepal Surveyors Association Minbhawan 1483
Nepal Taekwondo Association Satdobato 786
Nepal Tamang Ghedung Kathmandu 1077
Nepal Tea Association Kamaladi 1284
Nepal Tea Planters' Association Jhapa 886
Nepal Teachers' Association Dhumbarahi 792
Nepal Textile Industries Association Krishna Galli 1077
Nepal Thalassaemia Society Kathmandu 1516
Nepal Trans Himalayan Border Trade Association Buddhanagar 1318
Nepal Trans Himalayan Trade Association Kantipath 968
Nepal Truck Container Byawasayi Sangh Lokanthali 1070
Nepal Tuberculosis Relief Association Kalimati 870
Nepal UNESCO-Club Surkhet Tatapani, Surkhet 921
Nepal University Teachers Association Tri Chandra Campus 1019
Nepal Vegetable Ghee & Oil Association Kalimati 821
Nepal Veterinary Association Tripureshwor 864
Nepal Veterinary Chemist & Druggist Association Tripureshwor 826
Nepal Wool Dyeing Association Jorpati 1209
Nepal Working Journlist Association Kathmandu 799
Nepal World Tourism Journalist Society Baluwatar 846
Nepal Yarn Producers' Association Kantipath 1159
Nepal Yatayat Swotantra Majdoor Sangathan Balaju 1061
Nepal Young Men Christian Association Kumaripati 1029
Nepal-India Human Development and Friendship Association(Women Entrepreneur's Wing) New Baneshwor 790
Nepal-Netherlands Friendship & Cultural Association New Baneshwor 961
Netherlands Alumni Association of Nepal (NAAN) Maharajgunj 857
New Media Club Nepal Anamnagar 993
NGO Federation of Nepal Buddhanagar 1255
Non Resident Nepali Association Teku 866
Old Hindu Youth Association Pashupati 877
Organization of Buddhist Monastery of Lalitpur Lalitpur 918
Orthodox Tea Producer's Association Nepal (OTPA) Sinamangal 904
PABSON (Private & Boarding School's Organization) Dillibazar 2879
Pabson District Office Bhaktapur Bhaktapur 1733
Pabson District Office Lalitpur Satdobato 1697
Panchayan Samrachan Samiti Thapathali 883
Paropakar Sanstha Bhimsensthan 1172
Pasang Lhamu Mountaineering Foundation Sankhapark 880
Pashupati Area Development Trust Gaushala 939
PATA Nepal Chapter Gairidhara 876
Patan Museum Development Committee Patan Durbar Square 934
Pauli Tole Sudhar Samittee Chapagaon 969
People, Energy & Environment Development Association Bhanimandal 692
Petroleum Dealers Association Biratnagar-5 1142
Photographer Association of Nepal Tripureshwor 949
Pokhara Nirman Samagri Byabasaya Sangh Pokhara 853
Poor Patient Aid Association Nepal Ganabahal 790
Prahari Pariwar Mahila Sangh Bhrikuti Mandap 957
Private & Boarding School Employee's Union (PABSEU) Putalisadak 822
Professionals Social Welfare Association Jaya Bageshwori 871
Project Management Association of Nepal Gyaneshwor 805
Property Dealers Management Associates Pvt. Ltd. New Baneshwor 874
Public Administration Association of Nepal (PAAN) Jamal 845
Purba Karmachari Sewa Parishad Lalitpur 888
Purwanchal Good Governance Club Itahari-8 738
R. B. Complex Professional Association Ranamukteshwor 900
Rastriya Ghar Jagga Byawasayi Sangh Maharajgunj 1158
Regional Hotel Association Pokhara Pokhara 1357
Regional Hotel Association, Biratnagar Biratnagar 830
Regional Hotel Association, Birgunj Birgunj 857
Regional Hotel Association, Siddharthanagar Siddharthanagar 836
Reiki Foundation Thamel 991
Remote Area Development Committees Patan Dhoka 841
Reporters Club Putalisadak 959
Restaurant & Bar Association Nepal Jhamsikhel 323
Restaurant & Bar Association Nepal (REBAN) Lakeside 589
Restaurant & Bar Association of Nepal (REBAN) Tripureshwor 898
Rotary Club of Kathmandu Thapathali 848
Rotary Club of Kathmandu West Tahachal 1458
Rural Economic Development Association (REDA) Tansen 818
SAARC Chamber Crafts Village (SCWEC, Nepal) Lazimpat 757
SAARC Information Centre (SIC) Tilganga 727
Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee (SPCC) Solukhumbu 1124
Sahara Group Basundhara 684
Samana Banking Puruskar Guthi Bishalnagar 780
Sanatan Dharma Sewa Samittee Gaushala 810
Saundarya Kala Byawasayi Sangh Patan 905
Seeds Entrepreneurs' Association of Nepal Tripureshwor 1519
Sherpa Association of Nepal Boudha 892
Shree Krishna Jyoti Sanjeevani Tulsi Sewa Samittee Gothatar 815
Shree Krishna Pranami Yuwa Parishad Nepal Pulchowk 842
Shree Pashupati Sena Nepal Ghattekulo 1036
Siddhartha Club Siddhartha Chowk 812
Silk Association of Nepal Tripureshwor 844
Sita Memorial Trust baphal, Kalimati 897
Small Hydropower Developer’s Association- Nepal (SHDAN) Pulchowk 919
Social Development Association Banepa Municipality 810
Society of Consulting Architectural & Engineering Firms (SCAEF) Nepal Tripureshwor 920
Society of Electrical Engineers Nepal Bagbazar 922
Society of Environmental Journalists Anamnagar 832
Society of Ex-Budhanilkanth School (SEBS) Putali Sadak 1098
Society of Industrial Engineering Students Nepal Thapathali Campus, Thapathali 423
Society of Mechanical Engineer's Nepal Jwagal 1268
Society of Nepalese Architects Tripureshwor 1818
Society of Public Health Engineers Nepal Maharajgunj 745
South Asian Free Media Association Nepal Anamnagar 754
South Asian Network Operators Group (SANOG) Nayabazar 697
Sports For All Nepal Gyaneshwor 791
Stock Brokers' Association Nepal Putalisadak 602
Student Financial Assistance Fund Development Board (SFAFDB) Jhamsikhel 2263
Subha Shree Co-operative Ltd New Plaza, Putalisadak 1424
Suryoday Youth Club Birgunj 720
T-Help Nepal Kathmandu 803
T. U. Employees Associations Ghantaghar 815
Tamu Bouddha Sewa Samiti Nepal Anamnagar 946
Thamel Tourism Development Board Thamel 901
The Association of Chartered Accountants of Nepal Babarmahal 884
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Sanepa 898
The Association of Cold Storage of Nepal Dillibazar 2143
The Association of INGOs in Nepal (AIN) Lalitpur 858
The Britain-Nepal Medical Trust Lazimpat 892
The Executive Club Biratnagar 782
The International Association of Lions Clubs Shreebhadrakali 794
The Nepal Squash Racket Association Lalitpur 908
The Nepalese Association of the School Librarians (NASL) Bishalnagar 833
The Office of Tibet Lazimpat 838
The Shakya Foundation Nepal Teku 1023
Thimi Jaycees Thimi 914
Tourist Guide Association of Nepal (TURGAN) Kamaladi 1081
Trade and Export Promotion Centre Pulchowk 832
Trade and Export Promotion Centre Tinpaini 728
Travel Corporation Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu 430
Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN) Lakeside 552
Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN) Maligaon 861
Tulsi Meher Unesco Club Man Bhawan 915
Union of Trekking-Travel-Rafting Worker's Nepal (UNITRAV) Putalisadak 822
Village Tourism-Nepal (VITOUN) Tridevi Marg 742
Volunteer Aid Nepal Nayabazar 849
Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) Balaju 802
Water & Energy Users Federation-Nepal Putalisadak 825
Women Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal (WEAN) Anamnagar 856
Women Guidance Association Jamal 988
Women's Forum Battisputali 928
World United Martial Arts Federation Chabahil 886
WWF Nepal Baluwatar 871
Yes To Change Nepal Chabahil 552
Yes To Change Nepal Foundation Chabahil 449